The Context

During the COVID-19 pandemic, vocational, education and training organisations had to adapt quickly from face-to-face training to online training.

Some learners, particularly learners with intellectual disabilities and learners with no or low digital literacy skills experienced barriers to participation in learning. For many people with intellectual disabilities this meant a setback in their personal progress and greater dependence on others to support their participation.

Organisations also found that some staff needed additional training and support to deliver training online.
VOLT was designed as an initiative that would upskill staff and learners with disabilities as co-creators of useful, accessible videos for vocational, education and training organisations across Europe.


The Project Aim

VOLT aims to empower staff and learners to become digital collaborators, innovators, and creators making videos to suit learners who prefer to learn using videos.
VOLT also aims to support digital transformation of vocational, education and training services by creating accessible educational videos for online and distance learning.


The Project Objectives

The VOLT Project will:

• Upskill VET staff to co-design videos with learners with disabilities.
• Enable learners to create and use relevant and accessible videos to learn.
• Create an open license, no-fee access learning and training platform.
• Support the digital transformation of VET services with open access to inclusive videos for teaching and learning.

VOLT Products

1 – Guide for Vocational Education and Training (VET) Staff: A step-by-step manual including videos showing how to use technology, online tools and applications to co-design educational and skills development videos with learners.

2 – Toolkit for Learners: A step-by-step manual showing learners how to create educational and skills development videos with staff and how to access the VOLT platform.

3 – VOLT Video Platform: A place to share and watch accessible, educational videos created by staff and learners in VET across Europe.